Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend Fun & Monday Not As Fun

We had a busy Saturday at the beach, water park, then shopping at the Outlet. Aaron said it was such a "girlie" day that he was happy to be playing golf the next day.

Addison thought it was so funny that she put her basket on Daddy's head.

Silly girl.
We met Taylor at the water park! Addison was very tired so we didn't last long out there.
To our surprise, Addison gave the gator a BIG hug! We told her that's okay because it's just an alligator- not a "Gator". haha

On Sunday, while Aaron played golf, Addison and I went to Church with Grammie (Papa was out of town). After Church we had a treat at Panera.
So giggly!
After Panera, we went shopping at Kohls!
Addison LOVES shopping. She's had lots of training!
Eating some lunch on our way home. We told her to be careful with her chicken in Papa's car and she thought that was so funny!

On Sunday afternoon, Addison decided to use her Hippo as a chair while drinking her water with lemon.

Cheering the Seminole baseball team onto a victory! Hope they do well at the College World Series!
Grandma Kerry and Grandpa Barry came over for dinner to celebrate Father's Day.
Criss Cross Applesauce

Opening Grandpa Barry's gift for him
On Monday, Addison had an interesting day at Grammie and Papa's. She was her normal, happy self all day. She helped Papa put out the flags for Flag Day. She wasn't as hungry as usual and didn't sleep as long for her nap. Shortly after she woke from her nap, she had an interesting diaper. Then around 4:00 she cuddled with Grammie and "got sick" quite a bit all over Grammie. Luckily Papa was home to help out. Shortly after, Papa was holding Addison and she "got sick" on him, too. Poor thing. When I picked her up, you'd never know anything was wrong! Sweet girl had her 1st and 2nd vomiting episodes ON Grammie and Papa. They as well as Addison are such troopers. They said she was so great through it all. She is soundly sleeping now- hopefully she had a little bug that is out of her system.

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