Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lowry Park Zoo

On Friday, Grammie and I took the girls to Lowry Park Zoo. This is our 2nd time going (we went last summer). It's such a GREAT place to visit! Only an hour away and lots of fun stuff to do.

Addison went on the Merry Go Round 4 times!

So cool to pet a llama!

They rode the train twice.

Addison was all set until the lady put the helmet on her. She didn't want to wear the helmet, so she couldn't ride the horse.


Cooling off

Check out that LONG tongue!

You are able to feed the giraffes! We didn't feed them but watched other people do it. He could've licked us if he wanted to!

I didn't really zoom in much on this one!

The girls rode the camel twice... once with me.

And once with Grammie!

Addison's quote during this picure "I'm walking like Mommy". Hmm...guess she thinks I dance when I walk!

Isabella and I got SOAKED on this ride twice.

Black bear

This rhino was huge!

While we were sitting on a bench having a snack, this nasty black snake slithered by us. YUCK!

On the safari

This bird walked next to our safari cart like he was people watching! Too funny!

I've never seen a kangaroo in person! The kangaroos are free to run around you in this exhibit. Notice the baby in the kangaroo's pouch!
Peek A Boo, Joey!

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